I am a boy in the middle of a mountain range living in a cave, although the cave has most more luxuries than most houses, like mattresses and running water and it was only for one night on a retreat. I found myself at 27 years old exploring the surrounding mountains all alone with my stick jumping from rock to rock not thinking of the perils that could await me. Perhaps a big snake, or even a loose rock that will send me bellowing down the mountain side to my death or at least a sprained ankle. Perhaps so server I would be left there with no cell phone signal all alone to be destroyed and eaten by giant baboons.
How did I find myself exploring such wonderful surroundings with all this head knowledge of the dangers that await me. Off I went wondering cheerfully and excitedly from rock to rock, the answer was simple, I was exploring from my heart. I was looking for something greater than myself and was not worried what my head was telling me. I am a boy craving adventure. It struck me though that as I was wondering head down and smile on how often we loose the passion for our relationship with God because we allow our head to do the leading. Imagine I listened to my head and allowed it to stop my heart from going out on this adventure. My heart would become dead with despair and boredom. How true of our relationship with God, we live from our heads and not our hearts. Our hearts are very seldom used anymore, we loose the it that makes us alive and instead go on living good safe “Christian” lives instead of living the life we are called too.
In my wonderful adventure I found myself getting o so wonderfully and joyously lost, at times so lost I had no idea how to get back to the cave. But I was living from my heart, so all I had to do was find the biggest rock and up I would climb and I would be able to see my way again. Again God revealed to me that when we live from our hearts sometimes it might feel like we getting overwhelmed by things and that is when we need to stand on top of his word, for his word is a lamp unto our path. God will continue to show you the direction to where you need to go if you live from your heart.
When we live a head sort of Christianity we loose out on the adventures God has for us. Sure you can still can to heaven being a head sort of Christian but when we start too live as heart centered Christians and by heart I mean a God centered heart full of passion and compassion then we start to bring heaven to earth and start to live a life worthy of living.
What a great response to "Is this all there is?"!
ReplyDeleteKeep exploring and adventuring!
Cool :).