Wednesday, May 21, 2008


With great power comes great responsibility… Spider Man

Freedom is a great power… the desire for personal freedom had lead to wars to fights in the home… Everyone ones to be free…

What is freedom?? 

Gal 5:1  Freedom is what we have---Christ has set us free! Stand, then, as free people, and do not allow yourselves to become slaves again.

            This does not mean that we will never sin and mess up, the bible is clear that all have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God, what it means is that sin no longer has power over us! Christ has set us free from the consequences of our sins eternally… We still need to face earthly consequences though… if I sleep with my girlfriend, and my friend sleeps with his girlfriend and gets her pregnant… we are both sinners and need to ask forgiveness but our earthly consequences are different…

The more we seek freedom on our own the more enslaved we become to ourselves… we need someone that can set us truly free…

Paul warns us later in Galatians 

Gal 5:13 As for you, my friends, you were called to be free. But do not let this freedom become an excuse for letting your physical desires control you. Instead, let love make you serve one another.  

Why do we fight so hard for freedom just to give it away to something else… our physically desires… we say we are free but how can we be free if our lives are dictated to us by the things we do… by having to be drunk to have fun? By only feeling love in sex… by putting others down so we can feel better about ourselves!

Paul warns us against these things and says Christ has paid the ultimate price, we are free… that freedom is found in Christ! It comes from being content in Christ, trusting that where you are placed, God can use you and wants to use you…

Gal 5:16  What I say is this: let the Spirit direct your lives, and you will not satisfy the desires of the human nature.

Keep your eyes above… even if you walk into a tree, at least you will know where the tree came from…

John 3:30  He must become more important while I become less important."

Heb 12:2  Let us keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, on whom our faith depends from beginning to end 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Brad

    When are we going to see you doing a little more blogging? How about a copy and paste of the notes that you put on Facebook?

