Wednesday, May 21, 2008


With great power comes great responsibility… Spider Man

Freedom is a great power… the desire for personal freedom had lead to wars to fights in the home… Everyone ones to be free…

What is freedom?? 

Gal 5:1  Freedom is what we have---Christ has set us free! Stand, then, as free people, and do not allow yourselves to become slaves again.

            This does not mean that we will never sin and mess up, the bible is clear that all have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God, what it means is that sin no longer has power over us! Christ has set us free from the consequences of our sins eternally… We still need to face earthly consequences though… if I sleep with my girlfriend, and my friend sleeps with his girlfriend and gets her pregnant… we are both sinners and need to ask forgiveness but our earthly consequences are different…

The more we seek freedom on our own the more enslaved we become to ourselves… we need someone that can set us truly free…

Paul warns us later in Galatians 

Gal 5:13 As for you, my friends, you were called to be free. But do not let this freedom become an excuse for letting your physical desires control you. Instead, let love make you serve one another.  

Why do we fight so hard for freedom just to give it away to something else… our physically desires… we say we are free but how can we be free if our lives are dictated to us by the things we do… by having to be drunk to have fun? By only feeling love in sex… by putting others down so we can feel better about ourselves!

Paul warns us against these things and says Christ has paid the ultimate price, we are free… that freedom is found in Christ! It comes from being content in Christ, trusting that where you are placed, God can use you and wants to use you…

Gal 5:16  What I say is this: let the Spirit direct your lives, and you will not satisfy the desires of the human nature.

Keep your eyes above… even if you walk into a tree, at least you will know where the tree came from…

John 3:30  He must become more important while I become less important."

Heb 12:2  Let us keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, on whom our faith depends from beginning to end 

Vespa Road Trips

I have an VLB 150 Vespa sprint Veloce 1976! She is my beauty! She needs lots of cosmetic work but the engine runs like a dream! The only problem I am currently having is I cannot get the wheel but off to change the brake pads and check out the wheel! Other than that she still starts beautifully! Goes like a dream, my top speed is 96km a hour, but can't really average that! That is more of a down hill go getter! The pic is of my most recent road trip to Humansdorp! It was so much fun, it was just me and the open road! Granted I didn't go too far, seeing as I headed out from Jeffrey's bay! 

My friend just bought himself a scooter, so really hoping to be doing some longer road trips with him, as soon as I can get the nut off! 

Does God want us to be happy

A friend of mine recently wrote that "God is more concerned with our Character than he is with our Happiness" I have not stopped thinking about it since I read it! 

First read leaves you going wow, yes God wants me to be the best little Jesus I can be and because of that I need to go through hardship to develop me! I need to shout along side James and rejoice when I face trails and tribulations because my faith will see me through! My faith in God, my faith that requires me to believe God has my best intentions at heart! Even if what is best is not always fun!

An example will be school, very few people enjoy studying for test! So it is fair to say in general studying is not fun (unless you have a hot study partner :) ), It is in your best interest for your own future that you study hard and get good marks! 

However, perhaps God does care for our happiness and that happiness is directly tied into our character and relationship with him! It is a happiness that transcends understanding and general happiness! it is an inner joy that comes from trials and tribulations knowing that you are becoming more like the person Jesus wants you to be! 

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Soon Photos will line these walls

You consume so much of my thought,

Before my eyes are opened you are there,

As they close to sleep, before my head hits the pillow

It’s you I am dreaming of.


Captivated by all you are,

Waking up next to you is more than words can express

Finding you next to me seems all it’s meant to be,

Yet with each day that passes it grows even more.


Loving the place we have next to each other,

The untraveled road that lays ahead,

The unseen sunsets, the untold memories

The still photos taken in our heads,

The real photos that will soon line the walls


Past roads that have led us here,

Roads that have made us who we are

Roads we can’t change and roads we accept

For it’s made us exactly who we are for this exact time,


No other roads or no other choices would have made us for this moment,

All we are, we are now for each other, distant memories of everything behind

Just a future of our memories, just a future of our lives, just everything and more.


Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Thomas could have been Jesus

The other day I was in church and there was this black guy at the back on the side, looking homeless and dirty! (The church I was in is mostly white middle class people) so he did stick out quite a bit! However no one seemed to think much of him or give him a second look! I could not help this stirring inside me that "what you did to the least of them you did unto me" So after much debating of what could happen if I go speak to the guy, after the service I went and said hi, His name was Thomas, and was interested in church and God! I didn't really chat long, but I found out he has been coming for a few weeks! Made me think though if anyone had ever spoken to him, or what if it was really Jesus! What if everyday we drive past Jesus on the side of the road and do nothing about it, just drive straight on by, you just never say hello to him... 

However the other day I drove past an elderly lady in the rain and just continued driving... so I guess I back to square one... but the cool thing is I am more aware about people around me... the question is what will I do about it? Don't think you are off the hook, what are you doing to do about it???